Earthbound ventures

living on earth as if we mean to stay
Earthbound Ventures is a not for profit agency that exists to support environmental action and connect people to the natural world. We specialise in communicating climate and environmental messages in imaginative and engaging ways.
Who we are
We were lucky enough to grow up in Madagascar, one of the earth's richest biodiversity hotspots, and also one of its poorest countries. It gave us a passion for the environment and for justice, and a sense of how easily both of those can be overlooked. We're both ideas people, so we set up Earthbound Ventures to explore new ways to connect people with nature, share the wonder of the natural world - and through that, to foster a healthier relationship with the planet.
Paul Williams
Conservation Biologist
Paul has a passion for the natural world, and for exploring. He has worked for Scottish Wildlife Trust, A Rocha UK, and is currently Director for Net Zero for the Scottish Episcopal Church. He advises Earthbound Ventures on conservation and net zero. He lives in Edinburgh, within reach of the wild.
Jeremy Williams
Jeremy is a freelance writer and campaigner, climate communicator and author. He is the author of Climate Change is Racist: Race, Privilege and the Struggle for Climate Justice. He is the blogger behind The Earthbound Report and lives in Luton, where the wild is not so easy to find.
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© 2016